Christmas Cargo, Fairview Cove

Christmas Cargo

Christmas Cargo, Fairview Cove

acrylic on panel
12" x 18"

 Brian Sloan 


Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, Mallow


acrylic on canvas
14" x 16"

 Brian Sloan

Cape Chignecto

Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, Chignecto Sketch

Cape Chignecto

pencil on board
10" x 20"

 Brian Sloan

Still Searching, Contour Y

Brian Sloan artist, painting, art, Still Searching, contour Y
Still Searching, Contour Y 

Collaboration with Brian Sloan (click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm

Stories We Tell, Chapter Two

Stories We Tell,Chapter Two

Collaboration with Jimy Sloan 
Acrylic on Canvas
182 x 244 cm

(click image to enlarge

Morning Glory

Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, Morning Glory

Morning Glory, 1991
acrylic on board
6"x 6"

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Random Residual 11

Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, Random Residual 11

Random Residual 11, 2010
acrylic on board

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Night Garden

Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, Night Garden

Night Garden, 1991
acrylic on canvas
14"x 16"

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Halifax Harbour 12

Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, Halifax Harbour 2

Halifax Harbour 12, 2005
acrylic on board

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Stories We Tell, Chapter One

Stories We Tell, Chapter One2016  
Collaboration with Jimy Sloan (click image to enlarge)
182 x 244 cm

Brian Sloan artist, painting, art, Stories Stories We Tell, Chapter One, (Installation view)

Installation shot

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

At The Door

Brian Sloan, artist, painting, art, acrylic paint, At the Door

At the Door

acrylic on canvas
14.5" x 16.5"

Lacey Brook 10

Lacey Brook 10

acrylic on canvas
23.5"x 17.5"

 Brian Sloan

Lacey Brook 8

Lacey Brook

acrylic on board
16.5"x 14.5"

Lacey Brook 4

Lacey Brook 4

acrylic on canvas
23.5"x 17.5"

Swing Time

Swing time

Swing Time

acrylic on canvas
18" x 24"

Artist in the Garden

Artist in the Garden

acrylic on canvas
24"x 24"

Halifax Harbour 10

Halifax Harbour 10

Halifax Harbour 10

(click image to enlarge)
20" x 50"

Springfield Lake 54

Springfield Lake 54

Watercolour on paper

Brian Sloan

Springfield Lake 2

Springfield Lake 2

acrylic on panel
9" x 11.25"

Night Harbour

Night Harbour

acrylic on board
10" x 10"

 Brian Sloan

Day Lilies

Day Lilies

digital image
size varies

 Brian Sloan 

Uniacke Winter

Uniacke Winter

acrylic on canvas
10" x 10"

Brian Sloan

Tool Dance

Tool Dance

Intaglio Print

 Brian Sloan

Cap d'Or Nova Scotia

Cap d'Or, Nova Scotia

Acrylic on Canvas
!8" x 16"

Brian Sloan



 (click image to enlarge)
acrylic on canvas
 183 cm x 549 cm

 Brian Sloan 

Halifax Harbour 72

Halifax Harbour 72

Halifax Harbour 72

(click image to enlarge)
720" x 40"

Springfield Lake 7

Springfield Lake 7, 1995
acrylic on board
8"x 8"

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Martinique Beach

Martinique Beach

acrylic on board
10"x 10"

 Brian Sloan

Halifax Harbour

Halifax Harbour

Halifax Harbour

acrylic on board

Things to remember, Once

Things to remember, Once (installation shot)

Brian Sloan artist, Things to remember, Once

Things to Remember,Once

Collaboration with Jimy Sloan 
(click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm


Random Residual 10

Random Residual 10

acrylic on board

Still Searching, contour Z

Brian Sloan, Still Searching, contour Z, Installation Shot

Brian Sloan artist, painting, art, Still Searching, contour Z

Still Searching, Contour Z,

Collaboration with Jimy Sloan 
(click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm

Things to remember, Twice

Brian Sloan artist, painting, art, Things to remember, Twice

Things to Remember,Twice

Collaboration with Jimy Sloan 
(click image to enlarge)
244 x 365 cm

Brian Sloan, Things to remember, Twice, Installation Shot

Things to Remember, Twice and Things to Remember, Once

Installation Shot 



acrylic on raw canvas
60" x 72"

 Brian Sloan

Random Residual 8

Random Residual 8

acrylic on board

                                                                        Brian Sloan 

Lacey Brook 2

Lacey Brook 2

acrylic on canvas
23.5"x 17.5"

Downtown Halifax

Downtown Halifax

acrylic on board
10"x 10"

Fundy Moose

Fundy Moose, 2010
acrylic on board
7"x 5"

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Derivative Speculations 3

Derivative Speculations 3, 2016
Digital Image
Variable Size

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Derivative Speculations 2

Derivative Speculations 2, 2016
Digital Image
Variable Size

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Derivative Speculations 1

Derivative Speculations 1, 2015
Digital Image
Variable Size

For additional, painting stories and notes see Brian Sloan painter

Halifax Harbour

Halifax Harbour, 1998
acrylic on board

Springfield Lake 27

Springfield Lake 27,  1990

Painting stories and notes Brian Sloan artwalk

Summer Evening, Springfield Lake

Summer Evening, Springfield Lake, 1995
acrylic on canvas